The “Class member info” page was last updated 10/09/2021. Please check your class member info. If there is  anything that may need correction please let me know.

Some class members  called the class website mine referring to me, Ronnie. Without all of you there would be no website,  it is our website.

Please take note I regularly add pictures under OUR PICTURE BOOK. Last update 12/03/2019. Please take time to visit page.


SHS62 55th Reunion

When: October14, 2017

Where: Hibernian Club, corner of Kinyon and Miller Streets on the Southside

What to Eat: Meat, Soft Drinks, Bottled Water, Coffee, Tea, & Table Settings

will be provided.

What to Bring: Dish to Pass There is a full kitchen & power, if needed.

A bartender will be available to provide alcohol on a cash basis.

Note: If you know anyone that doesn’t have e-mail, please share this information with them as we will not sending mailings.

Our goal is to keep it simple and fun!!!!!

We look forward to seeing all of you!

Donna Adams

Sorry you may have missed it.


To let you all know I feel blessed to have the ability to create this website and have all of the SHS62ers as my friend’s. Like many of you, I have had some ups and downs over the years, but overall I have had a good life and honored to be a member of the class. I hope you all have no less.


Hello All, To keep you informed I recently moved to Hubbard, Ohio. I am sorry have not been able to work on website as much as I would like. I am in a complete house remodeling project and even not had time to unpack computer with the class website files. Will send or post pictures if you like, let me know. I will try to keep classmember info page current if I hear of any changes. Regards, Ronnie


They look pretty not much fragrance.

I regret to hear about the recent passing of classmate John Bumbalo  4/21/2018.

I regret to hear about the recent passing of classmate Barbara Krum Wigsten

Barbara Krum Wigsten

Barbara Krum Wigsten

I regret to hear about the recent passing of classmate Gary Careaga.

I regret to hear about the recent passing of classmate Gary Warren.


This slideshow requires JavaScript.

Elmira SHS 1962 Yearbook Slideshow


Hello all,

First I want to note that 2 names are in error.

Front row Bill Smith should be Bob Smith.

Third row Tom Burns should be Bob Burns.

You can make picture larger and more legible by clicking on picture. Use back button to return. There is a way to copy pictures and save. Windows has a what is called “Snipping Tool”. Do a search on your Windows to find. Right click, create a shortcut and place on your taskbar. Is wonderful for clipping out whatever. Have fun.

The picture is actually an 8X10. I am sorry I could not make full size. My next offer is: If you are a class member I will send a CD to you with all the pictures that are on the class website. This will take a little time to do this so please be patient. My e-mail address is: Please enclose your current USPO address.


Hi All,

Hoping you (Ronnie) had a great California trip but so sorry you were not able to attend the Reunion festivities. I guess the Skype connection was the next best thing.

Our wrap-up meeting this evening was well attended so we had a lot of good feedback and suggestions for future reunion events.

A brief summary of Reunion events for the web site follows:

For those who chose not to or were unable to attend – you missed some good times!!

83 attended the casual mixer on Friday evening at Bernie Murray’s. It was great to get reacquainted with old friends in a relaxed and familiar atmosphere.

20+ attended a special Mass at 4PM at St. Mary’s  in memory of our deceased classmates

98 attended the Saturday event at Elmira Country Club with cocktails and appetizers from 4:30 to 6.00 at which time we had a formal photo shoot compliments of Mary Lou Stopper’s husband – Pete Cardascia – a professional photographer. The photo will be posted on the web site soon.

We made a special point of being sure the name badges were large enough to be very readable for everyone so Reinhard Dieg’s son, Jerry, used his expertise and mission accomplished! What a help this was!

Throughout the evening Skip Gingrich, doing the honors as our DJ, provided us with just the right choice of music at just the right volume for mingling, dining and dancing.

Wayne L’Amoreaux kindly agreed to be our solo emcee and did a great job entertaining us with his wit and reminders of years past.

Linda Holland Masone and Elma Ransdell Haddad did a wonderful job creating elegant decorations for the tables, Joan Stadelmaier Clements did a very lovely memorial display honoring the 46 classmates who are deceased  and Jane Taft Middaugh and Susan Middaugh Pautz provided each table with plates of delicious home made cookies.

The Sunday AM brunch at Manzari’s might have been the best event of all.  60+ attended, the food planned by Pat Thorne and provided by the Committee was just right, it wasn’t crowded or noisy and you could have quiet conversations in small groups.

We missed you – hope you can join us for future get together.

The Committee is going to meet next on ????? at Manzari’s at 5:30 so please plan to join us if you are able. Marcia

Please contact Marcia Butler Kimball at:  for more info.



Today’s Headlines

classmates2015Elmira SHS 61/62 Classmates 2015


gotta b JB BTW: Buddy I'm with you.

Buddy JB


The Hadley Family 2018


 New Old Pictures

Clark Cone1

Clark Cone @ a earlier time.


Marilyn Wright @21


Marilyn Wright Dayton

Younger Bob Wynne

A Younger Bob Wynne

Honor Society

Honor Society



Rehearsal Compliments John Goss
Rehearsal Compliments John Goss

early shs62ers1

The pretty shs62 girls at Pennsylvania Ave.  grade school.

If you have and like to share old photographs please e-mail to me and will post.

Please visit all the latest pictures under the  ” random shots ” page .




Homeroom 013 1960

If you know any send me their name and position so I can label. I do know some.





Anything is possible when you set your mind to it.


Website © 2007/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22

Wow about 17 years has passed by. Actually I started website on a home server about 2005.

Not that it means a hell of a lot.

80 Responses to “Elmira SHS Class of 62”

  1. Reinhard Says:

    Hi, just keeping up. Hope the website gets back up soon. Just to let you know we’re paying attention.



  2. Rev. Richard Myhalyk

    Ronnie, I salute your outstanding efforts to keep the SHS Class of 1962 connected. The website is wonderful and a great credit to your talents. Unfortunately, I don’t have any information on the lost members of the Class. I pretty much rely upon Joanne Liddy Pierce to keep me informed of classmates.

    I regret missing the last reunion but unfortunately I just couldn’t arrange my schedule. Currently, I am living in Selma, Alabama and serve as the Executive Director of the Edmundite Missions. My religious community (the Edmundites) feed, clothe, shelter and educate the poor in what is called the “Black Belt” of Alabama. Unemployment is about double what it is elsewhere in the nation and many folks are underemployed.

    My task is raising the money needed for food, clothing, housing and education.

    Thanks again for your thoughtful email. I hope all goes well with you.

    Dick Myhalyk

    Rev. Richard M. Myhalyk, S.S.E.
    Executive Director Edmundite Missions
    1428 Broad Street
    Selma, AL 36701-4314
    Phone: [334] 872-2359
    Fax: [334] 875-8189
    Residence: [334] 872-6221
    Website of the Edmundite Missions:
    Website of the Edmundite Religious Community:

  3. Linda Coleman Strehle Says:

    Linda Coleman Strehle

    Ron, Your web page is great and I can’t wait to spend lots of time browsing thru it. I do have a change of address as we sold our house and are full time RV’ers and usually are traveling between Fl. where most of our kids are and N. Calif. where our youngest is.

    Our mailing address is:

    11619 Kipling Ct.
    Clermont, Fl. 34711.

    That is our daughter’s and she is not real good about letting us know what mail is there.

    I do want info on the 50th reunion and would like to know if there is an email list that you have for those of us who don’t have a permanent home base. If so, can I be added so that I will get info on reunion. Also, our phone # is now 352-217-****.

    Linda Coleman Strehle

    Northern California-our son lives in Sacramento and we volunteer at a Corps of Engineers park in the San Joaquin Valley south of there. I do not spend a lot of time on the computer-pretty much what is necessary – pay bills, etc. We are always volunteering in a state, national or Corps park so our life is outdoors. We have 4 kids-6 grandchildren ages 10 months to 23 y/o. Linda

    1. rperry Says:

      Contact for Linda’s complete telephone number.

    2. ronnie Says:

      We have 4 kids-6 grandchildren ages 10 months to 23 y/o. Linda

      Don’t seem possible. Does it?

  4. Don Harvey Says:

    Don Harvey

    ‘Don sent this e-mail some time ago. I came across it the other day and after pondering it over a bit, I decided to publish.

    It is very sad about our classmates who are no longer with us.

    My best friend in high school was Del Hoobler;

    Carol (Cokie) Meacham was my girlfriend for three years (she still has my class ring, and I have hers)

    Hal Buchanan went to my college, Hobart;

    Gary Barnes and I went to 8 years of grade school together (Pennsylvania Ave.);

    I always thought Donna Baldwin was sexy, and we shared classes together;

    I think Richard Barnes was one of the early casualties of Vietnam;

    Carol Doud accdent, having a distinct memory of that night. I called Del to tell him the sad news);

    Martin Donner, recently killed in a fireworks factory accident lived on the same block we did in Southport, throughout grade and high school (my mother stays in touch with his mother and sister);

    Larry Spencer also lived on that same block, and I lost touch with him when he went in the Navy;

    Fred Dietzel was a scholarly good friend who died from AIDS before I knew what it was;

    Life is fleeting.

    Don Harvey

    1. gary beach Says:

      Gary Barnes is my father I’m 42 years and have not seen him since 1976. I’ve always wanted to know him and loved him . I have always wondered if he ever loved me too. So sad I never got to know my dad and my half brothers or sisters out there.

  5. Maryalice C.(Copp) Seager Says:

    Maryalice C.(Copp) Seager

    I am married with 3 children and 7 grandchildren.

    I am also a published author. With two books so far.

    Poems- a collection of Christian poems

    Valley of the Shadow of Death- a book of hope for Cancer sufferers, available from Barnes & Noble, Waldenbooks, and Publish America.

    I am retired and actively working on 2 more books

    1. That is wonderful Maryalice, what a nice accomplishment as an author.

  6. Dorothy Kelly Morgan Says:

    Dorothy Kelly Morgan

    I, too, received postcards trying to find information. I talked to someone on the phone who said he would remove my name from their list.

    Also I received cards for my brother and sister and both have been deceased for several years. Crazy world!

    I enjoy your website very much, Ron, and was upset when I was unable to find it for awhile. My knowledge of computers is so minimal I figured I had sent your website to neverland and could never retrieve it.


  7. Mike Hadley Says:

    Mike Hadley

    Hi Ron,

    I’m constantly getting post cards in the mail from supposedly the Elmira City School District with a return address in Chesapeake, Va.

    Is anyone else receiving these cards?

    It appears to be a scam to me.

    The cards are signed Julie Carr, Harris Connect Directory Office For Elmira City School District.

    They claim to be after personal information for the Southside High School graduates directory.

    I just throw them away.

    Mike H.

  8. Cheryl Cantor (Cantliffe) Says:

    Cheryl Cantor (Cantliffe)

    Dear Ronnie,

    It was so great to chat with you and hear about how hard you are working to help everyone stay in touch. I had a great visit with Beth Johnson(Litchfield) this summer at Keuka Lake when my son and I were visiting my family.

    Im so busy still teaching up here and enjoy my Grade 3 class with students from all over the world.

    Vancouver is a beautiful city and with the Olympics coming up in 2010 its going to be exciting.

    Visitors welcome!

    Take care and thanks again for all the update.


  9. Joe B Says:

    Joe B

    Hey Ron,

    I’ve taken some time to sit down at this keyboard, a break away from inventoring (Shelby”s Barbie dolls) (deceased wife for those who did not know)—Ron, please do not fall over, yes I have finally put some notes on your site….

    I have to say publically, thank you for the recent invite to Lowman, back in June…It was great to visit with both Sandie and you and the cats….

    Remember the pictures we took at the waterfalls in upstate NY.

    I had a customer want that picture in poster size for his den.

    I’ll have to remember to put that set of pix up on “flickr.

    As a hobby, I tend to “get lost” on week-ends taking pictures of where ever and what ever.

    I am NOT a photographer, just a picture taker. I’ve done weddings for friends, I go to motocross events, tractor pulls, horse shows, cruise-ins (the best one lately was in Pilot Mtn.) (the Andy Griffith”s show series – Mayberry.

    Mount Pilot cruise in starts mid-day, parking cars all over the business street (only one–Main st) and the local business that are closed, their parking lots….Then they and spectators drive up and down Main St. Go to my website in the sidebar “gniess_chronicles” to view some of my pix.

    There is about 11,000 pix there.

    My current camera is a Sony Alpha 700 with an 8gb and 2gb memory cards. Which means I can take about 600 to 800 pictures in high resolution before I have to put in new cards.

    My printers are a HP 5500ps (wide format–up to 42″ wide by 84″ long) a pair of epson 1400”s, a KM2300DL color laser and a Oki 3200 laser.

    Well here it is already lunch time, Sat 13. so I”ll close this note for now Ron,

    I am sure Sandie has found some more “projects” for you to complete….work on.

    Oh by the way, have you seen anymore of your bear….. Yes everybody, I mean real bear in Ron”s back yard.

    Talk about being out in the boonies, they pipe in sunlight where Ron now lives.

    It took him about 3 months to get a phone line installed and in the mean time, Ron could only use his cell phone at one of the outside edges of his deck.

    Have a great day buddy,
    Joe B.

  10. Peter Mazzaraco Says:

    Peter Mazzaraco

    Hey Ron,

    You guy`s are doing a great job on the website thing. I read where it say`s I have to get on the ball with my info.

    Well here goes. Since graduating I have worked for West Elmira Vol Fire Dept 20 plus years, Erway ambulance 20 plus years and retired from NYS Dept of Corrections.

    We always know I would end up in jail lol.

    Married for 18 yrs divorced and remarried to my present wife Peg for 23 yrs. Second time was a charm.

    Upon retiring we moved to Myrtle Beach SC. I did some security work here, but decided that was not for me. I have since become a SC. State Constable (policeman) and I work with Myrtle Beach, Surfside Beach, and Horry County PD`s.

    Now that is a fun time. That is about it from my end, just enjoying every day that I watch the grass growing from the green side up.

  11. John Benedict Says:

    Ronnie, Mike, Donna,

    You all as well as everyone involved are to be complimented on the work and accomplishments you have made with this website.
    I recently received your e-mail and was surprised to hear from you.
    I do remember you and Stack Electronics, spent many hours there previous to you.

    Please let me know if Jack Titus is still around. I would like to contact him as it has been many years and he was a very important person in my life.

    Many fond and growing memories.

    Relocated here to Wyoming a couple of years ago. Bought a small ranch in the mountains just west of Sundance, WY and would not give it up for anything.

    We are about 5500 ft up and get plenty of snow in the winter but what the heck, I grew up in NY and after school relocated to Rochester area where I spent a few years before being transfered to Kansas City, then to Miami, then to Atlanta, then to Lakeland, FL where I owned a company for 25 years.

    Closed the company in May 2006 and got away from heat and humidity and came out where “the deer and the antelope play”.

    It is really beautiful and peaceful. Our closest neighbor is a mile away and it is PEACEFUL here.

    Not to ramble on but just touching base and THANKING YOU for including me in the class.

    God Bless All of you and keep safe.Take Care, We Care.

    John Benedict
    POB 1133
    190 Bear Claw Trail
    Sundance, WY 82729
    Phone 307-283-2049

    Just 5 miles up the mountain off US HWY 90, the welcome mat is always out and everyone is always welcome here.

  12. ronnie Says:

    John, you may thank your sister Joann. She is the one who told me you graduated with the class of 62.


  13. Anne Ripley Beers Says:

    WOW, our own Class of 62 web site !!! Thank You for all your work, & everyone that contributed to your efforts. I will be watching for your e-mails. Thanks to the committee, also. God Bless you all!
    Anne Ripley Beers

  14. Just today Ronnie set up my own personal web page… it couldn’t have been easier. He actually did all of the work only asking me for a couple of mouse clicks. Eventually I hope to add more comments and photos to my page as I know where to get help if I need it!

    I encourage all of you to do this… it’s got to be the second best thing to attending a class reunion.

    Thanks so much Ronnie for all of your work in in trying keep our class in touch with each other.

    You may find my webpage under class members story’s as well as others or just by clicking on my name.



    What Nancy forgot to tell you was, that she had her story composed prior to making her new page.
    The files were just transfered from her original webpage.


  15. Joann Says:


    You certainly are doing a great job on the website. It really looks “cool” and you keep it up to date. I like that in a website. So many websites (like my one at work) is so out dated that I’m embarassed to give out the address. Thank you so much for all that you do for the website. I may take you up on your offer to help create a website sometime but first I need a home computer that works when you want it to. Until next time. Joann Pierce

  16. Annetta Neason Gion Says:

    — On Tue, 2/17/09, Annette Gion wrote:

    From: Annette Gion
    Subject: RE: “The Slide Times”
    Date: Tuesday, February 17, 2009, 9:38 AM


    I don’t know if you got my email about Mary Lou (Rafferty) Masin, one of our classmates and my cousin passed away last Friday. She was 64 years old. Her wake was last night and this morning is the funeral. That is two of our classmates in two weeks.



    —–Original Message—–
    From: ron perry []
    Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 10:56 AM
    To: Annette Gion
    Subject: RE: “The Slide Times”

    Hello Again Annetta,

    I just updated the with the info about your cousin Mary Lou.

    Thanks again very much.



    Thanks Ronnie. I just checked out the website. It is wonderful to see the comments, the picture of SHS and see our classmates. Keep up the wonderful work!



    Hello Ronnie and classmates…

    I am sad to see Peter Pazahanick’s passing. He was a good friend that came to our blueberry farm every year and acquired his blueberries and veggies. The last time he was here, he brought us a load of covered buckets. Loved our conversations and we use to joke a lot. I shall miss him.

    (formally known as Barbara)

  18. Bob Howland Says:

    Here it is March 7,2009 and we just came out of a blizzard,20-30 degree temps. and now, as I write this, it’s 70 degrees here in Pa. All this weather change in a matter of 4 days. I knew Anetta Neason Gion all through St. Mary’s and SHS. I always wondered where she went after Elmira. Her wonderful grandmother passed away while I was in VietNam. I just heard about her cousin Mary Lou Rafferty passing. My condolences Annette. Bob Howland

  19. Gary Warren Says:

    Hello everyone and THANK YOU Ron for the birthday post! Are you trying to tell me something since my birthday is Sunday, May 10? Isn’t there something else that happens that day? By the way, so you don’t have to rattle the brain, I’ll be 66, thank you very much. If this decrepid old body will hold out, I’m looking forward to July 15, 2012, for the 50th reunion!!!!!

    Regards my friends,
    Gary Warren

    Yeah, Its my wifes B-Day also.
    I am also looking forward to 2012 as well as tomorrow.

    1. ronnie Says:

      Gary the latest info is the reunion is scheduled for September 29,2012. Keep your eye on class website for ongoing info.


  20. Verne Snyder Says:

    SHS ’62 Classmates:

    In the years after graduation and leaving Elmira the teachers and SHS classmates drifted in memory, perhaps even into apparent irrelevancy. Other venues, other influences, other people stepped in their place. But during more recent years an odd chronological game of leapfrog, a reversal has transpired as my SHS days and personalities reasserted themselves. Perhaps I’m not alone in this experience. Here are a few of the people, sadly now mostly deceased, whom I recall most fondly.

    Although Donna Baldwin broke my heart in the third grade when she selected someone else to carry her books home from Riverside School– and later correctly noted I couldn’t “fast dance,” I now hold no grudge. She remains my first love, and in my memory a beautiful, sexy, happy and energetic girl, and one, I must add, who was blessed with a wonderful mother, Ma Baldwin who, after my own mother, epitomized “mother.”

    Certainly for all of us one of the saddest days was the day Carol Doud died. Always smiling, happy, perky and helpful, she was a joy to be with. Her death was, I believe, the first time the Grim Reaper directly touch a classmate. I think Carol would have become a terrific, caring success, perhaps a nurse, and that unrealized image keeps her alive in my mind.

    Throughout most of my years at SHS Carol Smith, a.k.a. Sonja Kirstann, was my sweetheart. Like the foregoing Carol, “Smitty” died much too soon. To this day she exemplifies for me feminine self-confidence, quiet intelligence, and spiritual strength. I cried when I heard of her death, and I miss her still. Carol, with able assists from Marlene, Linda, Sharon and a few others who were kind enough to have dated me during high school, made it possible for me to graduate from SHS a somewhat dismayed and bewildered virgin. But here, too, I harbor no resentment. Well, almost!

    In my personal Pantheon of significant instructors I must mention Irene St. John, Bob H,
    Juanita Gardner, who indirectly designed my professional life, and if I may, B.J. Miller, whose influence extended from PC to SHS and carved a wide and paternal arc.

    My note is already too personal, already too long, too focused on the departed. Surely, each of us has classmates and teachers who left their watermark on us. But if you will allow me one concluding personal note– this time from the living- Bill Stowell has defined for me wit, humor, and friendship. Knowingly or unknowingly, we all were, I hope, so fortunate as to have shared and received such reciprocal gifts.

    Don’t go away. The next reunion awaits your presence.


    146 Little Willow Circle
    Hendersonville, NC
    (828) 595-4376 (H)
    (828) 230-5096 (C)

  21. ronnie Says:

    All Classmates, Family, and Friends,

    You can find a new message board on right sidebar / message board.

    It is same as this, but maybe a bit more private.

    Have Fun,

    1. ronnie Says:

      It has been removed because of spammers.

  22. Jim Reidy Says:

    Hi everybody, I’m not my first message got through. I forgot to put the email address. I’ll try again. I did go to SHS & graduate in 62. I’m sorry that I do not remember you all. First I hated school & did not go very often. After school I went in the Air Force fore 4 years. Spent 1 year in Viet Nam. That was enough so I got out. Next I worked for Sperry Rand 3 years. Then went to Kodak for 29 years as a machinest. Now I’m semi-retired from there & I drive a county bus. I am also the Union Rep & I am on the Amalgamated Transit Union Board of Directors. The Union Position takes up a lot of time. I married my wife Janice from PennYan in 67. We have three girls & six grandchildren. We live in Geneva,N.Y. I’m not sure you all wanted to know all this but there it is. You may remember I used to love to dance. I went to every dance I could & danced every single dance. I sure wore out a lot off shoes. But I had a good time. Well I have taken up enough time & space on the site. I would like to hear about more people from our class.It does not really sound like we lost to many class mates so far. I did go to the 30th. reunion but didn’t remember many people or feel comfortable there. So I have not gone again yet.

    1. rperry Says:

      Hello Jim,

      Thanks for taking your time to send nice message.

      You may want to go to sidebar on right side of this page and go to link that says say goodbye. Quite a few have left us and probably more that we dont know about.

      Check all the links in sidebar, there is a wealth of info there.


  23. sharon Says:

    Hi Ronnie, it’s me again, i guess you got the last e-mail. I just saw on the web site that Carol Kilmer passed away. Do you know when or anything about what happened. She was my best friend for years but as time does it somewhere we lost touch. I think it was when we moved to tenn. in 92′. One of these days I will get s omeone to help me do a web site, scary pictures and all. We have 9 kids 15 grandkids and 1great-grandson. Well they are all great but you knowwhat I mean. The kids ages are 46 to 14. NO, I didn’t have the 14yr old or th 18 and 27yr old, I had 6, got divorced after 15 years ,got re-married 30 years ago and we adopted a daughter in N.Y. and came to tenn. did foster care for awhile and fell in love with the 2 boys we had in our care so we adopted them, they have been part of our family for 10 years. We also have 9 dogs going from a 3 lb yorkie to a 125 lb german shepard. Yes life is crazy. Let me know if you know anything about carol.

    thanks sharon

  24. rperry Says:

    Sharon is looking for anybody with info on Carol Kilmer. Can anyone help her out on this?

    Sharon can be reached at


  25. Mick Reppard Says:







    1. ronnie Says:

      Anyone help Mick out on this?

      1. Diana Freeman Maher Says:

        I was in the class of 1960 with Charlie.
        He is now in the Chemung County Nursing Fac. Sorry to say in failing health. His mind is okay but body not working up to par.
        He was on our reunion committee (50th next yr)
        His wife Kathy, lives in their family home here in Southport.

  26. rperry Says:

    To all:

    I have had several requests to help insure privacy of several classmembers. Therefore I have reduced a fairly large number of posts.


  27. ronnie Says:

    I am sorry to say that John Goss requested removal of all his writings and his discontinuance of his personal website.

  28. Bob Howland Says:

    My wife just gave me the word, her last day of work is June 1, 2010. We are already preparing to make the move back to Elmira.I’ve decided to get rid of all my aviation tools and have calls to purchase them already.This will be a great weight off my mind because I have so many.All that is left will be what ever is in home and that goes with us.We can’t wait to give up our “transplanted” status.So long Pa. and hello NY.I guess if Iam still alive, I’ll be there for the 2012 reunion.Se ya’ll in 2010.

    1. ronnie Says:

      Congrats Bob,

      Wish i was back home to greet you. I do make regular trips back to see family. We will then.


  29. rperry Says:

    Gerald Clark left following message.

    Submitted on 2009/08/15 at 10:04am
    Just found this site. Happy to know you are here. It has been a long time since I,ve seen or heard from a lot of the ole SHS62ers. Retired from Navy–1984 as Chief Petty Officer. Then Corn. Comm. Coll. School of Nursing. Retired as RN in 2008 due to stroke and 2 heart attacks. Doing fine now. Would like to hear from one and all.

  30. Betty Lou Cuer Merrill Says:

    Hi Ron and All
    Have been reading the correspondence on SHS class of ’62 site. You’ve done a wonderful job Ron keeping us all abreast of our class.
    I have had 4 sons, one deceased and 7 grandchildren, counting my foster daughters 2 babies. I was a professional parent in many ways. lol Boys go from 21 to 45 y/o.
    I am a registered nurse, now semi-retired, still a Red Cross Nurse, and have Merrill’s Tax Service in Horseheads, NY. Most of my day is spent on the computer so I rarely get on for pleasure, but came across your email so hear I am.
    Guess I better just say sorry you are moving away, but I’m sure you’ll stay in touch.
    My pic is not in the year book so perhaps many of the classmates don’t know who I am, which is fine, but I am sure my Hopkins St. and Penn. Ave. classmates do. I worked in the guidance office under Mr. Simmonds all 4 years.
    I am so sorry to hear about more of our classmates passing away, yet we are all getting of the age where I guess we should expect the course of nature to prevail.
    I hope all of our classmates will stay healthy and happy and be able to attend our 50th reunion. I’m looking forward to it and had a wonderful time at our 45th.
    God Bless all of you.

  31. ronnie Says:

    Mike Hadley today sent me a e-mail reminding me of our younger days. Over my early years my dad had several airplanes and we went flying most every weekend as weather permitted.

    Mike, one time a long time ago, went up and as Mike said “It Scared the hell out of him”. As I got older and started chasing girls my flying days diminished. Now I don’t chase anything and just reminisce of those years.

  32. John Goss Says:

    Benjamin Franklin

    “Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each New Year find you a better man.”


  33. Bob Howland Says:

    By looking and thinking about each classmate in this great collection of pictures, I realize that we were a kinder, gentler nation, back then.Now we are all “growed up”, but we’re still here, a little older, but a h**l of a lot wiser.Maturity shows on all our faces,but hopefully,there is still love in our hearts.Y’all have a great new year and we hope to see you soon, forever!
    Bob H.

  34. Joan Lyon Ayers Says:

    Hello Ron, Wantedto let you know my current address: Joan Ayers 8161 Twin Harbor Drive Mt Gilead, N.C. 27306 Phone 910-439-5058

    1. ronnie Says:

      The “all classmembers page” has been updated to reflect your current info.

      Enjoy the website and check back often.


  35. Robert (Bob) Howland Says:

    I sent you this email from my Legion post.

    Click New York.
    Select “B” for persons last name and go through the names until you come to Richard Frank Barnes. click on his name. You will get a profile and memoriam page where you can read when and how he was KIA. I wrote a memoriam a few years ago and it’s still there, along with his brother’s. Rich is buried in Forest Lawn in Elmira. I put a small Flag on his grave every time I get home.

    Also there are more memoriams written for Edward Joseph Brewer. Joe’s name is a little further down the the same”last name “page, he’s buried in Sts. Peter and Paul cemetery, at the end of Franklin St.

    Both these guys were my friends and I literally grew up with Joe Brewer.

  36. John Goss Says:

    This is a correspondence I had with Rich Barnes family several years ago..
    John Goss

    In a message dated 5/29/2006 4:56:32 PM Eastern Standard Time, GOSSENGR writes:

    May 29, 2006

    Sergeant Major Barnes,

    My name is John Goss. I went to SHS with Rich and I always liked him. We were in many classes together and were friends.

    I lost several friends in the Army but Rich was the only one I grew up with.

    I just wanted you to know that a friend was thinking about him this Memorial Day.

    John Goss
    SHS 1962
    1/504 Parachute Infantry Battalion (Airborne)

    Ronald L Barnes
    Thomas J. Knott
    Bob Howland Jr.
    Re: Richard Barnes SHS
    Jerbarnes1 to you – May 29 2006More Details
    From: Jerbarnes1@aol.comHide
    Date: Mon, May 29, 2006 4:11

    You made my day, John. It’s hard to believe it’s been 40 years since Rich’s death. I think of him often usually with a smile, but sometimes the pain of his loss is still sharp. Thank you for joining those of us who honor him and so many more today.

    Best Wishes,
    Jerry Barnes

    Richard’s family say’s thanks
    Tue, May 30, 2006 5:42 pm
    —–Original Message—–
    Sent: Tue, May 30, 2006 5:42 pmSubject: Richard’s family say’s thanks

    I am Richard’s niece, Deborah, I was very young when my uncle was killed but will never forget the day as my mother was his oldest sister and took it very bad. His mother just passed at the age of 93 on her birthday and is now with him. It is very nice to hear from people that knew him. I named my first born after him, he is 30yr. old. hard to believe that time passes for fast.
    Thanks again for your note
    Deborah Osenbaugh

    Ronald L Barnes
    Thomas J. Knott
    Bob Howland Jr.

  37. It was great seeing you Ronnie…Sure wish you and your Sandy did not have to move so far away.

    You do such a wonderful job with SHS class of 1962 website Ronnie. Enjoyed going to the SHS reunion meeting, I see you as a super person! Take care.

  38. ronnie Says:

    Passed on from Ronnie

    Hi –

    My name is Katherine Phinney Lyda. I was looking through my father’s military records and he has listed that he graduated from Southside High School in Elmira, NY in 1962. Do you recognize the name Ernest “Ernie” Phinney? I know his family called him Sonny – not sure if that was a childhood nickname or not. He passed away at the age of 53 in December of 1996. If you have a yearbook and have time, please email me a picture of him.

    Thanks –


    1. ronnie Says:

      I think has been resolved. He may have been in class of 63.

  39. John Goss Says:

    Мои дорогие выпускники,

    Трудно поверить, что 50 воссоединения нашей окончания средней школы в два года. Время, кажется, идет очень быстро.

    Я хотел лучше для всех выпускников.

    Ваш друг.


    1. ronnie Says:

      It seemed only like yesterday.

      1. John Goss Says:

        Pareceu somente como ontem.

      2. John Goss Says:

        Sim, parecia que foi ontem.


  40. Phil Murray Says:

    Hi Ron,
    I tried a while back to send a message with no luck. Just want to see if this goes thro

    Phil Murray

  41. Phil Murray Says:


    WOW—it actually seems to be working now.
    I wanted, first of all, to let you know that I am really enjoying your website.
    After 65 years in Elmira my wife Judy (Wills) and I moved to Rochester NY. People thought we were nuts for not moving South but we have two children and three Grandkids here in Rochester. We also have a son and daughter in -law along with three children in Raleigh NC.
    It was definitely sad to leave the old homestead but we are incredibly happy in our new home. Our new address is:
    118 Venice Circle
    Rochester NY 14609


    Retirement life is wonderful and being able to enjoy our family more is a great plus. I really enjoy reading other classmate comments and would love to hear from anyone.

    Thanks for all your efforts at keeping us updated!!


    1. ronnie Says:

      Phil, Its not my website, Its your website and all else from the class.


      1. ronnie Says:

        Phil noted that he thought the website was not working properly. The first post anyone makes requires my approval. After that you should be good to go without approval. This is to keep the spammers from getting in and ruining the whole thing.


  42. ronnie Says:

    This info passed along to me by Kelly Lang, daughter of Sharon Barner Lang.

    I was searching online for contact information for some of my mom’s old classmates, and found the SHS site. My mom, Sharon B. Lang, passed away on November 23 after a short battle with pancreatic cancer. My dad still lives at the Walnut Creek, CA address listed on the site. My brother and I live in the Walnut Creek area, as well. She is deeply cherished and dearly missed. I just wanted to let you know.


  43. Ric Mathes Says:

    Howdy Ron,
    I will give you a quick run down of my life !
    I graduated from SHS 62. I may have been the youngest. I was 17 . in April 62.
    I went in the U.S. Navy for 7.5 years. I was on a submarine where I spent 2 months underwater. I did that seven times. After each patrol (that’s what they called each time you were underwater) they gave us a month off .
    I got married after one patrol , and was married about a year. I got divorced . My current wife and I have been married twenty years (actually twenty and a half ! )
    I worked for RCA on computers for about a year, and I lived in Pittsburgh, Pa.
    It was to cold there ! Moved to Florida where I taught scuba diving for a year. I bought a total of seven rental units. Two were efficiencies , three one bedrooms , and two houses.
    I then led bicycle trips. They were trips that were short in time, usually 35 to 82 days long. I did not make much money off them. I fact , the first trip was 82 days long from Va. to Oregon. I flew back from there to Miami. It cost me $5 more to fly back than I got paid to lead the trip .

  44. rperry Says:

    Received this e-mail from Ingrid.

    Hi Ron,

    Yes it’s me from Southside Class of 1962!
    I’ve lived in Ojai area of California since 1968. I have been happily married for 34 years to Ron Pratt and have two sons and two and half grandchildren.
    I trained for the opera but enjoyed 30 years singing in my area. I stopped 17 years ago.
    I have painted in the Norwegian and Swedish folk art style of Rosemaling for 27 years on large furniture pieces, by commission. I’m active in the SACHF group here as I am half Swedish.
    It is my passion to paint which I do every day. It’s better than singing as it’s not noisy and you can do it even if you are sick!
    This is probably too much info so I expect you will edit it.
    My email address is Phone number 805 649 1248.
    What a big task you are doing! Bravo!

    All the best, Ingrid Nordgren Pratt

  45. Henry Pounds Says:

    Hi Ron,

    It’s amazing how Facebook increases our consciousness about those around us including those we left behind so long ago. And so I sought out this site and now I’m reconnecting with places and people in ways I never thought would be possible again. Here is a little bit about the last 49 years.

    Joan (Johnson) and I were married in 1963 and soon we had three children. I was a full time student at SUNY Buffalo and Joan was a mother and part time student. I got a BS and MBA and we moved on to Northwestern University in Evanston IL in 1967 where I eventually received a PhD. In 1970 I got a teaching job at Boston University (asst. prof.) so we moved to Hingham MA and during the next eight years Joan graduated from BU and became a second grade teacher. In 1978 I went to work on Wall St. as an investment manager and security analyst so we moved to Wilton CT where we have lived ever since. Joan bought a nursery school and ran it for about five years but then began what was to become a very successful career as a portrait photographer. In 1987 I began an investment management firm in CT. Along the way our two sons both graduated from the University of Colorado and our daughter from the University of Virginia.

    In 1996 a horrible thing happened. Joan became totally disabled as the result of brain damage that was caused by medical malpractice. It was a life or death situation for a while and all our lives were changed because Joan required so much care. I gave up my business and basically retired at the beginning of 1997. But we survived the hard times and we won a lawsuit and we have had a pretty good life together. We have three grandchildren and we want for nothing. We have the best retirement possible.

    In recent years we have spent a great deal of time in California because our daughter lives there and because of the weather so we decided to move there. So now we are about to close on a new home in Pasadena CA. A new chapter. Life goes on. See you all next year at the 50th.

  46. Richard Butler Says:

    Dear Ron / First of all I want to wish you a Happy Birthday’You Olde Dogg”
    on the 29th of Nov in the year of our Lord 2011/Secondly my friend Tom Crotty and myself were left off the No 9 Class List! We both attended from kindergarten to 6th Grade! Wassup? We get no respect? Mrs Rynders would
    be apalled as I spent much time with her in her Office!

    Yours Truly,
    Dick Butler

    1. Bill Kilmer Says:

      Dick I also spent k-6th and was not included in the listl….maybe Mrs. Rynders blocked some of us out of her mind, we certainly were not blocked from her office. I remember Tom Crotty and I had a dust up after school one day and had to visit her the next day. Those were the real good “old” days, a life time ago.

      Ronnie, love the web sight..keep up the good is appreciated.

      Regards Bill Kilmer

  47. Ronnie…
    I have written another book, far different than any I have written in the past. I’m sending you a copy, it is called “YES MADAM PRESIDENT”. By the way, anyone else wants a copy, I will be glad to send it email pfd. file. Just type in the Ref: YES MADAM PRESIDENT to my email address …

    Hav a great day.

    Most sincerely

  48. Bonnie Van Riper Balok Says:






  49. Kate Sinko aka Katy Perry Says:

    I don’t know where the time has gone and now I missed the registration date for the reunion. The website was so much fun to read through but kind of sad too I must admit. I hope to attend the Reunion and see so many “old” friends there…Kate Perry Sinko

    1. rperry Says:

      Hello Katie, Glad you stopped by and signed the book, but wish you included personal info. You can check on classmate info page and see if still current, appreciated….ronnie

      1. Kate Sinko aka Katy Perry Says:

        OK, you want personal information, so I’ll try to keep it short. I just retired from teaching elementary art in Trumansburg, NY. I live near my daughter and her family (2 boys) but my son lives out in Vegas with my granddaughters. George and I were married for a long time but that didn’t work out but we did have a very interesting life together and traveled a ton! I am a very happy person by nature, continue to travel independently, practice my art, go to church regularly, and try to live up to the legacy my dear mother left me. I am really looking forward to seeing you all at the reunion. and thanks so much Ronnie for doing this.

      2. rperry Says:

        Katie, I should have given you link to class member info page.
        From this page check your info and see if correct or needs updating.
        Address, telephone, e-mail whatever. Please let me know if corrections are in order.

        I am not going to attend reunion per-say, but plan on attending via Skype an internet audio/video program that works extremely well. The day after the reunion I will be leaving the Cleveland, Ohio airport bound for Texas then on to San Jose, CA. where my daughter is to pick my wife and I up. Then back to Elyria, Ohio in 10 days or so.

        ronnie perry

  50. You have done such a wonderful job with our web site Ronnie, it is fun to go in and see all those names I graduated with. Nice that we are having a good show of names going to the reunion, would be nice to see a list of the ones that have acquired their reservations thus far. Mine is one of them…. lol…. That I know. Have a nice evening everyone.



  52. rperryRonnie Says:

    Hello Bill K and others. There is now a most recent comment link at top of right sidebar. The link takes you to the most recent (last) comment made then you can scroll upward to see rest in order. Thanks all, ronnie

  53. Dorothy Kelly Morgan Says:

    Dear Classmates and reunion committee members, thank you for a wonderful and most memorable time this past weekend. Wish all of us could have been there, but I know health and other commitments prevented some from attending. This is only the third reunion that I’ve attended , but talked to many more people even Ron Perry via skype imagine that! To all who could not attend, believe me you were in our thoughts. And my prayers go out to all in poor health or who face other of life’s speed bumps.

  54. rperry Says:

    Received the following letter from Carol Waltimire Garrett.

    Just wanted to let you know that Jim passed away today after a long battle with cancer. My family and friends have been very supportive and I have received much love from everyone to help me deal with the loss. We are planning the funeral arrangements tomorrow and the obituary will be in both the Syracuse and Watertown papers. Even though we knew for three years that it was not curable we both fought to keep him with us. He died at the VA Medical Center in Syracuse. My youngest son and Jim’s best friend were with him when he died. I spent last night at the hospital and was just getting ready to go back up this afternnoon when he died. My heart is broken but I know he is no longer in pain and is with God. We had our marriage vows renewed on Thursday by a Catholic priest at the hospital and will be having a Catholic mass.

    Ronnie, please post something for me on the SHS site. I sent you an email just before the reunion to let you know that he was sick and why I was not coming to the reunion. I’ve enjoyed seeing the pictures of the reunion.

    Thanks for your prayers.


    1. Hello Ronnie…     Emailed all pictures of reunion and the breakfast the morning after… Please let everyone know I am running as a write-in for President of the United States.  My PLATFORM is attached.     Boy!  Am I glad to get my van back in motion and my computer fixed.  I have had an expensive day and don’t even want to think about it anymore!     Your friend, Counselor

  55. buzz Barton Says:

    Hi everybody. Sorry it took so long!

  56. Phil Murray Says:

    Hi Ronnie,
    Just wanted to update my info. The address is correct , but, here is my phone # and e-mail address:


    Phil Murray

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